The board of the Student union
The student union is led by the union board. The union board coordinates the activities of the sections and committees and is appointed by the members at the annual general meeting.
Rasmus Lindstedt
The student union's chairman leads the union's board's work, is responsible for strategic study supervision, and represents the student union and the Swedish National Defense College's students internally and externally.
Vice President and Secretary
Robert Steffens
The student union's vice President is the deputy to the president and assists them in their work. As secretary responsibilities include keeping meeting minutes, organizing archives and our traditions.
Second Vice President and head of Kompass
Sarah Franz
The head of AMG Kompass organizes the the student union's work with labor market related events and issues aswell as the unions alumni work.
Chief Financial Officer
Maja Tindemyr Hagelin
The student union's CFO manages the student union's finances, and is in charge of economic planning and other financial matters.
Chief Member Officer
Julia Jörtsö
The student union's CMO is responsible for the student union's membership system aswell as membership related questions.
Head of Study Social Committee
Elle Hällsjö Sander
As head of the Study social comittee responsibilities include the student union's study social events, the introductory weeks, and Spaning
Head of communication and equality matters
Madeleine Örenmark
As head of communication responsibilities include the student union's website and social media. As head of equality matters responsibilities include the student unions equality work and policies.
Section Chief Civil Section
Martina Sandgren
The head of the Civil Section leads the section's work to monitor the Swedish National Defense College's civilian educations.
Section representative Doctoral student section
Magnus Lundström
The doctoral student section brings together the Swedish National Defense College's doctoral students, and section representatives coordinate the section's work with doctoral student issues.
Section Representative Higher Officer Program (HOP)
Alexander Rost
The section representative for HOP is part of the Higher Officers' Program's trust organization and represents HOP students within the student union.
Photographer: Anders G Warne