Civila sektionens årsstämma / Civilian section general meeting
Thu, 03 Oct
|Leijonsköldska salen
3:e oktober har den Civila Sektionen årsstämma och nyval av studentrepresentanter och presidium. On October 3rd, the Civilian Section will have its Annual General Meeting and election of student representatives and section leadership.

Time & Location
03 Oct 2024, 17:00 – 20:00
Leijonsköldska salen, Drottning Kristinas väg 37, 114 28 Stockholm, Sverige
About the event
Den 3:e oktober har den Civila Sektionen årsstämma och nyval av studentrepresentanter och presidium. Civila Sektionen jobbar med studiebevakning och representerar dig genom att studentrepresentanter är med i de organ på skolan som berör oss och vår utbildning, här har vi närvarorätt, yttranderätt och rösträtt. Det gäller på alla nivåer på FHS, från programmen till skolans styrelse. Vi har inflytande och det är ett privilegium men därmed också en skyldighet att uppfylla.
I varje ämne har sektionen 1-3 representanter och 1-3 representanter för varje program (det går att vara representant i både sitt ämne och program). Här sker en nära kontakt med lärarna på skolan där du får en inblick och påverkansmöjlighet i de många processer som pågår på ett lärosäte såsom nya kurser, examinatorer, forskning m.m. Som representant gäller även att lyssna in ens medstudenter, för att representera någon så är det bra att veta vad de tycker och tänker.
Utöver rollen som studentrepresentant kan du även kandidera till en av tre roller i sektionens presidium. Ordförande, Vice Ordförande eller Sekreterare. Presidiet arbetar med representation i delar av de högre organen på skolan samt kring den strategiska utvecklingen av studiebevakning på FHS.
Vem vill du ska representera dig? Rösta den 3:e oktober i Leijonsköldska Salen kl. 17.00
I formuläret nedan kan du anmäla intresse för en kandidatur. Vi söker representanter från alla ämnen på kandidat- och mastersnivå, tveka inte heller att engagera dig om du är frikursare.
Hi fellow students at FHS,
On October 3rd, the Civilian Section will have its Annual General Meeting and election of student representatives and section leadership. The Civilian Section represents you as a student towards the school. This happens through student representatives being involved in the bodies at the school that affect us and our education, here we have the right to attend, the right to speak and the right to vote. This applies to all levels at FHS, from the programme councils to the school board. We have influence and that is a privilege but also an obligation to fulfill.
In each subject, the section has 1-3 representatives and 1-3 representatives for each programme. Here you will have close contact with the teachers at the school, you will also gain insight into the many processes that are going on at a SEDU(FHS), such as the establishment of new courses, examiners, research, etc. As a representative, it is also important to listen to your fellow students, to be able to represent someone it is often beneficial to know what their thoughts are.
Regarding international students we also have a role as Special Representative for International Students. This role is not linked to a subject but rather you will act as a spokesperson and listener of the international students at the school. This role is primarily a grass-root role in which what you do will be dictated by yourself and by the needs that you see as important.
In addition to the role of student representative, you can also run for one of three roles in the section's leadership. President, Vice President or Secretary. These roles works with representation in parts of the higher bodies at the school and on the strategic development of study monitoring at FHS.
Who do you want to represent you? Vote on October 3 in Leijonsköldska Salen at 17.00
How does it work if your primary language at SEDU(FHS) is English and you want to represent your fellow students? Some of the representative roles are harder if you do not use Swedish but harder does not mean impossible. Many of the councils in programmes and subjects in which the language used in learning is English are also in English.
You can signal your interest for candidacy in the form below.